Saturday, February 18, 2006


Up to now, I've been on a journey. As of today, I'm writing a book. I'm still on a journey, no doubt, but no more mamby-pamby "I'm exploring my family history, and maybe some day it will turn into something vaguely resembling a book-like object." Pah. This is a book. A book that has been waiting to be written for a good long time, and I'm finally getting out of the way so that it can get itself on the page. I'm proud to be the one doing the typing.

What does this mean, in concrete terms? Here's what it means:

Starting Monday, I work on the book four mornings a week, no laundry, no tidying, no vacuuming, no Sudoku. Plenty of afternoon time for that. Other activities (i.e. walks in the woods) are permissible as long as they facilitate the process.

Money? Yes, we could use more, so I'll look into grants and other ways to make ends meet while I'm on this journey. Throughout history, people have written books and continued to eat (though not usually simultaneously), so it must be possible.

I make a plan as soon as possible about who I need to talk to, where I need to go, what I need to do. I'm a doer, and I've given myself permission to do. Now the fun starts.

You doubters may be out there in Blogworld thinking, "right, people make resolutions all the time--they're made to be broken. She'll never follow through."

Just you watch.

1 comment:

Chapeltree said...

Yahoo, indeed! You go, book woman!